[Candy Floss] I danced 'CONNECTING' Korea Edition.

A spoonful of dancing~ A spoon of singing! I'm Candy Plos, the Dongin Project team!

It's been a long time since I uploaded my new album. This time, I'm able to show you a very special video!
This is a collaboration video with Korean Odorites and Uteates!
We worked hard together to create choreography, dance, laugh, and have many meanings.
Thank you, Montage Team, Ladies Team Mito, for cooperating in the video with us. Thank you so much for allowing us to listen to the great song. Thank you, Mito, Miri Byul, Annie, Iram, Soran, Shin Goon, Roddick!

We're not good enough, but we'll do our best to show you better activities in the future!

Well, I hope you do well with this announcement, too!

*Special thanks*

- Sound source: Dahon Team
Thank you so much for allowing us to listen to a beautiful song!

- Created choreography: Priest[@lucky6719], cabbage mushrooms[@ki__noko]
Thank you for making the choreography!

- PV: Priest [lucky6719]

- Dance video collaboration: Maha님dong3079], Ladies team[Rai_Diz], Yip rice cake[mochi_nya]miribyuls2], Annie[Hello__Anyy], Yiram람killxLLNote_Note_Note_
Thank you so much for your cooperation in the video.


Free'FREEE' [@lucky6719] - Hello! I'm Friedan FREEEE. I came to visit you in collaboration this time. I was short and made mistakes. Thank you so much for believing in me and working on the project. Connecting is a great song and I really like it, so I wanted to make a dance and shoot a video. Wish! I'll do it! Thank you so much for watching the video and the people who participated in the video!

Ha Yang-bi @From_emiliana] - I was very nervous because it's my first time dancing outside of the team. I'm glad I finished it safely!

Haraming @sanse2006] - Hello, I'm Harming! I was nervous because I had little dancing experience. I'm happy to collaborate with great people. Thank you all for the cold weather!

Mito [ioypott] - Hello:) Mito.<
It's not enough in many ways, but it was great to have a good time with many of you.♥

Cabbage Mushroom kki__noko] - Hi. It's cabbage mushrooms. It was my first time to practice and make choreography with a lot of people, so I really enjoyed it. You've all had a hard time!

Kanze cclapa0216] -This is the first collaboration in the human race!
The bus is a real comfort.
It was the best collaboration that connected so many things. Please watch it!

Roddick @Kiricse] - Hello! I'm Roddick who trained hard at Shaolin!

Shin-gun, @hyuntlsrns] - I'm not good at singing, but I'm going to dance. He's an evil god.
It's my first dance, but it's a cola-bo, so I'm good at asking other people.~Hait
See Original

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